July 2024 Releases

2024-07-31 (Wed)


  • Fix duplicated columns in monthly roster

  • Fix to daily roster templates when referencing to deleted monthly roster columns

  • Fix to impose stricter check in deletion of monthly roster columns when referenced in daily roster templates

2024-07-30 (Tues)

New features:

  • Upload of contacts via excel into Directory


  • Fix to show location in contact popup in Directory

2024-07-29 (Mon)


  • Fix to match critical result acknowledgement to results for tests done cross institution (eg. ordered in NUH but performed in NTFGH)

2024-07-26 (Fri)


  • Enable edits to previous day in daily rosters

  • Added logic to distinguish ECG results from AH

  • Fix for writeback to NGEMR for critical result detected

  • Fix to accept null for labtype in critical result acknowledgement

2024-07-25 (Thu)

New features:

  • Added prompt to switch institution when using multiple tabs

  • Added department field to daily roster print view


  • Fixes to "-1" test code logic to enable looking at test values in NTE and OBX segments in incoming test values

  • Removing institution label from contacts when displayed on rosters and on critical result dashboard

  • Changes to "Department Secretary" role to disable roster template create/edit/delete rights

  • Fixes to ensure retriggering of outgoing SMSes

2024-07-23 (Tue)


  • Fixes to broadcast group edit permissions for "Message Broadcast" Role

  • Fixes to MUSE ECG cancellation messages

  • Fixes to ensure sound alert plays on critical result dashboard as long as >1 case that is "Not Picked Up"

2024-07-22 (Mon)

New features:

  • Transfer ownership of contacts across institution

  • Emergency Broadcast Messaging


  • Using latest ADTs with visit number linked to result to find specialty, attending doctor and location

  • Using ORC field for determining ordering doctor for incoming messages from NUH, AH, TTSH and KTPH RIS

2024-07-19 (Fri)

New features:

  • "Message Broadcast" Role


  • Fixes on result filters for numerical conditions to ignore text in incoming text (eg. parsing as "3.0" from "Detected >3.0")

  • Change from using ordered location to patient location for TTSH RIS

  • Fixes to enable sound to play even when modal is open on critical results dashboard

  • Using ORC field for determining ordering doctor for incoming messages from NUHS Beaker

2024-07-18 (Thu)

New features:

  • Export of team rosters

  • Edit of templates on daily rosters

  • Added more filters on Lab Screen

    • Option to filter by "Lab"

    • Option to filter by "Outstanding" and "Escalating and Outstanding"

  • Added @singhealth.com.sg to access Rooster

2024-07-17 (Wed)

New features:

  • Daily roster print view

  • Option to skip manual intervention in routing rules


  • Using ordered location (ORC13.1) for Rad result filters instead of patient location (PV1 3.1)

  • Using specialty codes from ADT instead of ORU fields in test results

  • Finding latest attending doctor in incoming test results

2024-07-16 (Tue)

New features:

  • Linking result filters to a specific routing rule

  • Additional features on Lab Screen

    • New field: Masked UIN

    • Filter by: Lab Type, Status, Sort By Latest/Earliest

  • Adding full location name on Critical Results Dashboard and in SMSes


  • Updating first presentation logic using specimen collection time instead of MSH timestamp

  • Showing only departments with >1 roster in the search filters for daily rosters

  • Using ordered location (ORC13.1) for ECG result filters instead of patient location (PV1 3.1)

2024-07-15 (Mon)

New features:

  • Monthly roster export


  • Showing full name in routing rule trace in critical result reports

  • Add current posting for resource type

2024-07-12 (Fri)


  • Display name of clinician that acknowledged result in EPIC on critical results dashboard

  • Override end date in current posting if defined in next posting

  • Fix for monthly roster filter

  • Fix the spill for long names of assignments in rosters across cells

2024-07-11 (Thu)

New features:

  • Allowing keywords in result filters with whitespace

  • End date for current and next posting

  • Start date for next posting


  • Value validation for numeric conditions in result filters (eg. between/not between)

2024-07-10 (Wed)

New features:

  • Added toggle to sort results on critical results dashboard by latest

  • Additional fields added to critical result reports

  • Additional information on critical results dashboard

    • Escalation level (P1, P2, P3)

    • Designation and phone number of individuals in the escalation process

    • Reasons for skipped escalations


  • Refetched critical results in the background to ensure you always have the most up-to-date information without manual refreshing - for both lab screen and critical result

2024-07-09 (Tue)

New features:

  • Excluded locations in result filters

  • Supporting cancellation of ECG results, ie. will not trigger new result when sent from MUSE ECG


  • Allowing longer character limit for routing rule name

2024-07-08 (Mon)

New features:

  • "Critical Results Read-Only" role


  • Displaying all critical results in the Critical Test Results Dashboard (Status: In Progress, Not Picked Up, Acknowledged (by SMS or EPIC), Closed by System)

  • Adding information to Lab TV Screen

  • Hiding employee number for user roles with only read permissions to Directory

2024-07-05 (Fri)

New features:

  • Sorting of critical result on critical result dashboard by time

  • Excel upload for bulk assignment for oncall rosters

  • Added filters on the Directory

  • Shared contacts within clusters in the Directory


  • Fix for logic to disable contacts to avoid checking deleted rosters

  • Fixes to manual intervention form and retrigger form on critical result dashboard

2024-07-03 (Wed)


  • Search bar fixes for routing rule and directory

  • Allowing email to be optional for contact type = "Resource"

2024-07-01 (Mon)

New features:

  • Enable download of Directory codesets

  • Add name field for routing rule instead of departments

  • Display specialty name on critical results dashboard


  • Fixes to allow saving multiple assignments on a roster

  • Fixes to critical results report format

Last updated