๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿคโ€๐Ÿง‘User Access Management

This guide will discuss how to add new user role on Rooster

  1. Click on the settings icon and select 'User Management' to add or modify user roles

Adding New User

  1. Click on 'Add New User' to add a new user onto Rooster. Here you can also add user roles

  2. Input the email of the user and which roles you would like to give them access to. Click 'Create' to successfully create your new role

Editing User role

  1. Click on the three dots to edit your user role. A window pop up will appear , click on 'Edit User' to modify user role . Select 'Update' to save your progress

Disabling User role

  1. Click on 'Disable User' to disable your user. A pop up will appear to confirm if you would like to disable your user. Click on 'Disable' to confirm your action

  1. You will have the option to enable your user again later on

Last updated