[WIP] Transferring contacts within a cluster

A guide on how to manually transfer or schedule a transfer of contacts between institution within a cluster

Manual Transfer of Contacts

  1. Navigate to the Directory page on the Rooster platform

  2. Under 'More' click on 'Transfer to Institution'

  3. In the 'Transfer to Institution' modal, fill up the relevant fields accordingly.

Scheduling rotations / transfer of contacts

If you're aware of upcoming doctor/staff rotations or transfer, you can schedule ahead of time. This ensures that their details are updated to reflect their new institution promptly, streamlining the process and reducing any delays in updating rosters and assignments.

Simply, by ensuring end date and start date ?

Scheduling for rotation within your institution in advance

To prepare in advance for upcoming rotations within your institution, you can schedule the event by setting a starting date for the upcoming main posting. Once the start date is reached, the upcoming posting will automatically override the current main posting.

Take note of the MCR number as the upcoming posting will override the one in current posting if it's different

Scheduling a transfer of contacts between institution within your cluster

To ensure a successful transfer between institutions in your cluster, you will need to set an end date for current main posting AND start date for upcoming main posting.

Scenario: MO Dr Tan will end his posting at NUH on 10th Sep, and is going to NTFGH on 1st Oct 2024. As of 9th Sep 2024, MO Dr Tan belongs to NUH. Hence his current posting will appear as such :

and his next posting will be as such :

To note: The MCR Number field will be auto-filled for you

With both end date of current main posting and start date of upcoming posting filled up , on the 1st of Oct the upcoming main posting will override the current main posting. Now the contact has been successfully transferred to NTFGH, who will be the new owner of this contact

Last updated