๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ปUser and their Roles

These are the various role types found on Rooster and their permissions.

Types of User Roles:

User roles are stackable, so one individual can have multiple user roles assigned to them, eg. "Call Centre Operator"+"Department Secretary".

Explanation of User Roles:

1. What can I do with "End User Read-Only" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are a clinician or staff who does not require any further "write" functionalities in Rooster

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Read and Download

  • Directory - Read

  • Result Filters - Read

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Institution Settings - Read

2. What can I do with "Critical Result Routing" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are a laboratory, radiology and ECG user that needs to configure result filters and track critical results.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Read and Download

  • Directory - Read

  • Result Filters - Write and Download

  • Critical Result Dashboard - Read

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Institution Settings - Read

  • Lab Screen - Read

3. What can I do with "Critical Result Read-Only" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are a laboratory, radiology and ECG user that needs to view result filters and track critical results.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Read and Download

  • Directory - Read

  • Result Filters - Read

  • Critical Result Dashboard - Read

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Institution Settings - Read

  • Lab Screen - Read

4. What can I do with "Critical Result Reports" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are an individual who needs to extract the critical results from Rooster in an excel report to review the accuracy of result filtering, routing rules and responses by clinicians in the escalation chain.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Read and Download

  • Directory - Read

  • Result Filters - Read

  • Critical Result Dashboard - Read and Download

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Institution Settings - Read

5. What can I do with "Call Centre Operator" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you work in the contact centre and need to act on outstanding cases in Rooster, eg. Retrigger, Manually Intervene.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Write for current day through Daily Roster (Edit assignments) and Export

  • Directory - Write

  • Result Filters - Read

  • Critical Result Dashboard - Write

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Institution Settings - Read

  • Lab Screen- Read

6. What can I do with "Account Management" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are an ID Admin who needs to help grant new users access to Rooster and add contacts into the Directory for your institution's E-PASS requests.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Read and Download

  • Directory - Write and Download

  • Result Filters - Read

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Institution Settings - Read

  • User Management (Under Institution Settings tab)- Write and Download

7. What can I do with "Department Secretary" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are a department secretary/roster admin who needs to create/edit contacts in the Directory and assign clinicians into rosters.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster Templates - Read (Write for roster header & footer)

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Write and Download (Write = Create/Edit Assignments)

  • Directory - Write and Download

  • Result Filters - Read

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Institution Settings - Read

  • User Management (Under Institution Settings tab)- Read

8. What can I do with "Message Broadcast" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are an individual who needs to create contact groups and send out broadcast messages to contact groups for emergency situations, eg. system downtime.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Read and Download

  • Directory - Read

  • Result Filters - Read

  • Routing Rules - Read

  • Broadcast Groups & Message Broadcast - Write

  • Institution Settings - Read

9. What can I do with "Institution Super User" permissions?

Who this applies to:

  • If you are the super user for your institution and you need to have access to (almost) everything.

What can I do:

  • Monthly & Daily Roster Templates - Write

  • Monthly & Daily Roster - Write and Download (Write = Create/Edit Assignments)

  • Directory - Write and Download

  • Result Filters - Write and Download

  • Critical Result Dashboard - Read

  • Routing Rules - Write and Download

  • Institution Settings - Write and Download

  • User Management (Under Institution Settings tab)- Write and Download

  • Audit Reports - Download

How do I request for a specific role on Rooster?

Users from the following email domains will be added to Rooster by default as "End User Read-Only" upon login. The domains that are whitelisted for auto-provisioning is viewable by Institution Super Users on the application, refer to here for more details.

Settings as of 19th July:

  • For NUHS (NUH, AH, NTFGH, JMC, JCH): @nuhs.edu.sg, @mohh.com.sg

  • For TTSH: @ttsh.com.sg, @nni.com.sg, @nsc.com.sg, @ncid.sg, @mohh.com.sg, @singhealth.com.sg

Should you require specific user roles, please raise an EPAS (Electronic Process Automation System) request or ITR (IT Request) to get the right permissions on Rooster.

For NUHS: To request for specific user role access during the pilot run (till 26th July), please reach out to NUHS_GMIOCF@nuhs.edu.sg.

Last updated