Aug 2024 Releases



  • Monthly roster last edited will now reflect the last staff to edit the assignees on roster


  • Witelisting aic emails

  • Retrigger message reply timeout to min 1 hour when user clicks 'Retrigger' on critical result dashboard


  • remove showing interaction modal for silent audio failure in critical result dashboard (this should fix the issue KTPH and TTSH is facing with the interaction modal )


  • Block contact transfer for department secretary (only for id admins and super user now)

2024-08-16 (Fri)

  • Hide the edit staff button in the daily roster for dates beyond T-4 days e.g, users cannot edit staff entries that are older than three days.

  • Hide 'Download / Upload Template button for previous months on monthly roster page

  • Supporting different variations of MCR numbers sent in by upstream systems, eg. TP1234X, during critical result routing

2024-08-14 (Wed)

New feature :

  • A new warning modal when exiting monthly rosters while editing

2024-08-13 (Tue)


  • Fix for failed refresh of lab screen and critical results dashboard

  • UI fix to hide empty roster list tables

2024-08-09 (Fri)


  • Fix for bug when generating critical result reports

2024-08-08 (Thur)

New features:

  • Header and footer texts added to monthly roster exports

  • Sending critical result detected to NGEMR for repeated test results in order to enable critical result acknowledgement from NGEMR

2024-08-07 (Wed)


  • Fix to columns in team roster excel exports to be ordered the same as on UI

  • Temporary disabling of deletion of monthly roster rows & columns to improve stricter checks and avoid errors on monthly rosters

2024-08-06 (Tues)


  • Fix to use ORC field for ordering doctor for TTSH RIS results

  • Improve error message for disabling contact when used in rosters, routing rules and broadcast groups

  • Fix to resolve loading issues for monthly rosters

2024-08-05 (Mon)

New features:

  • Supporting patient merge ADTs


  • Fixes to improve monthly oncall roster performance

  • Renaming writeback message in EPIC when acknowledged in Rooster

2024-08-02 (Fri)

New features:

  • Adding more information fields to the Directory


  • Fix to support patient merge scenario for critical result acknowledgements from EPIC

  • Whitelisting to be added as users

2024-08-01 (Thu)


  • Improve error message for conflicting routing rules

Last updated