โ›‘๏ธConfiguring conditions of Result Filter

Here is detailed description of how you can create a new Result Filter.

Configuring Result Filters for Radiology and ECG

Conditions: specify any keywords or criteria that the system should use to flag a result as critical. Rooster will find an exact match of these keywords

  • For example for Radiology: AA, A, AY, R1, R1U

  • For example for ECG: Abnormal

Conditions section under Creating New Filter for Radiology

Configuring Result Filters for Biochemistry, Haematology and Microbiology

Configuring conditions

  1. Conditions under Laboratory can be configured according to Numerical Values:

    • This allows you to determine if a result is critical based on whether it meets specific numeric criteria.

    • Configure the conditions based on the following options in the dropdown menu:

  2. Conditions under Laboratory can be configured according to Keywords:

    • This allows you to configure whether you would want to include or exclude certain keywords when determining if a result is critical

    • Included Keywords: Input any terms you want Rooster to search for when assessing the criticality of a test result. This is a free text box where you can enter multiple keywords.

    • Excluded Keywords: Input any terms you want Rooster to exclude when assessing the criticality of a test result. This is a free text box where you can enter multiple keywords.

    • Check the Search for keywords within the first NTE instead box if you want Rooster to search for keywords in the first NTE segment (Note Text) section instead of the OBX (Observation) section.

An example of a Keyword search critical result filter

Configuring Additional Conditions

  1. Determine if critical based on patient's age allows you to configure age as a factor in assessing the criticality of test results.

    • Patient's age is calculated by rounding down to the nearest whole year. For example, if your birthday is July 10, 2020, and today is July 8, 2024, you are considered 3 years old.

    • Configure the conditions based on the following options in the dropdown menu:

  2. Determine if critical upon first presentation allows you to configure the criticality of test results based on whether it is the patient's first admission or if the patient has been admitted within a specified number of hours. This can be further customised by using the "Included Keywords" or "Specimen Source" options.

    • Per Patient Admission: Flags the test result as critical if it is the patientโ€™s first admission.

    • Within X Hours: Flags the test result as critical if the patient has been admitted within a specified number of hours

      • If "Included Keywords" is different from previous values is ticked:

        • Subsequent results with different keywords will be considered as a new presentation and flagged as critical.

          • Example:

            • First result keyword: Seen 1+

            • Second result keyword: Seen 2+

            • Both results are considered critical because the keywords are different.

      • If "Included Keywords" is different from previous values is NOT ticked:

        • Subsequent results with different keywords will be considered as an existing presentation and not flagged as critical.

          • Example:

            • First result keyword: Seen 1+

            • Second result keyword: Seen 2+

            • Both results are not considered critical because the keywords are different, but the box is not ticked.

      • Additional Use Case: Another way of understanding this , if you have multiple analyzers are performing the same test and report slightly different keywords, you can make use of this feature to flag these as critical.

      • If "Specimen Source or Type" is different from previous values is ticked:

        • Results from different specimen sources will be considered as a new presentation and flagged as critical.

          • Example:

            • A patient diagnosed with TB in the lungs, and a subsequent test shows TB suspected in a wound on the leg. By selecting this option, the test will be flagged as critical because it is from a different specimen source.

      • If "Specimen Source or Type" is different from previous values is NOT ticked:

        • Results from different specimen sources will not be flagged as critical unless specified otherwise.

          • Example:

            Case Study 2: Different Specimen Sources

            Scenario: A patient diagnosed with TB in the lungs has a new test that shows TB suspected in a wound on the leg.

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