๐Ÿ“ˆConfiguring Result Filters - Advanced

This section guides you on creating and managing critical result filters. These filters help you sift through laboratory and radiology test results to identify critical results efficiently.

Configuring a 'No Test Code (-1)' for Microbiology lab type

If you are not aware of the lab test code for your lab result , we allow you to select a "catch - all " test code option. This is only applicable to 'Microbiology' lab test type. By selecting this , if your result match the conditions mentioned in this filter but have an unknown test code, it will be deemed as a critical result.

Configuring 'Locations to exclude' for Locations

If a certain lab result comes from various locations , we allow our users to select 'All locations' to ensure that no result is missed. However , we understand there might still be a few exclusions hence we allow users to select locations to exclude if they have selected 'All Locations' , 'All Clinics' , 'All Wards'.

Linking my result filter to a specific routing rule ?

You can now link specific critical result filters to specific routing rules, ensuring that your critical results are always directed according to the most relevant routing rule.

You can continue to customise this here if you would like this critical result to skip manual intervention.

Displaying additional field for critical test result on Critical Test Result Dashboard

  • Display additional observation allows you to display any additional OBX fields within the HL7 message.

  • Display comments allow you to display comments from the NTE segment within the HL7 message.

An example of the Critical Results Dashboard Result detail if 'Display comments' has been selected

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