๐Ÿ“Routing Rules

Configuring Routing Rules for Directing Critical Test Results to the appropriate users

Creating routing rules

It is recommended to configure a 'catch-all' rule by selecting all specialties and locations. This ensures that any critical results will always be escalated even if it has an unknown specialty/location.

  1. Create a new routing rule by clicking on the '+ Create New Rule' . This should trigger a pop up to appear where you can create your own rule.

  1. Fill in the Rule Details :

    • Name : Enter a descriptive name for the rule (e.g., "Catch All Routing Rule").

    • Specialties : Select at least one specialty from the dropdown menu. This field is required.

    • Locations : Select the relevant location(s) where this rule will apply.

    • Interval Before Next Escalation : Enter the time in minutes before the next escalation from P1 to P2 occurs. The maximum value is 60 minutes.

    • Office Hours : Define the timings for "During Office Hours" for Mon-Fri , Sat and Sun & PH .

      • If there are no office hours for Sun&PH , you can set the start and end time to be the same.

  2. Configure the escalation logic for during and after office hours :

Note: All users added in every escalation level will be notified. i.e everyone configured under P1 will be escalated at the same time.

  • Options available for each level of of escalation:

    • Roles: Select the roles you want to escalate to (OD, AD or both).

    • Contacts: Select the specific contacts from the Directory you want to escalate to.

    • Rosters: Select which roster, row and column you want to escalate to.

    • AD Team Rosters: Here you can select which team roster and column to route to. The row will be detected based on which team the attending doctor is rostered in.

  • P1 is required. P2 and P3 are option and can be added if needed

  • If you have the same escalation logic for during and after office hours, you can tick "Use the same rules as "During Office Hours"". Otherwise, you will be prompted to define the escalation logic differently below.

  • If you would like to configure results to auto-close at the end of the defined escalation levels, you can tick the option to "Skip Manual Intervention".

Example of how "Skip Manual Intervention"would work:

Note: Please do this with caution. Selecting "Skip Manual Intervention" means cases will not be routed to contact centre for action and will be auto-closed by system.

  • In this scenario, the escalation interval is set as 2 minutes.

    • Sample routing rule to skip manual intervention:

      Routing rule where "Skip manual intervention" is selected.
    • How escalations will look like

      If P1 and P2 contact is not found and P3 does not reply, after the defined escalation interval of 2mins, the case will automatically be closed by the system.
  1. Once you have finished configuring your routing rules and reviewed it, click on the 'Save' button to save your progress.

If your new routing rule conflicts with an existing one, you won't be able to save it and will see an error message:

Modifying routing rules

  1. To edit your routing rules , navigate over to three dots and select 'Edit routing rules' from the dropdown menu. If you select 'Edit routing rule' it will direct you to Creating routing rules again.

  1. If a routing rule is not longer in use , you have the option to disable it. Click on 'Disable routing rule'. An alert pop up will be triggered to confirm this action. Once verified it , click on 'Disable'

  2. Its status will be updated as 'Inactive once it has been disabled'

  1. You have the option to 'Enable Routing Rule' again by clicking on the three dots again. Again , an alert pop up should be triggered to confirm if you would like to enable this filter

Exporting your routing rules

  • If you would like to export your routing rule, you can click on 'More' to export your routing rule in an excel format.

Last updated